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Reaching for success, one step at a time!

STAIRS ACADEMY is a proposal to create a safe, nurturing, innovative school in partnership with families & communities, where all can learn and pursue their highest potential.

  • Want to enroll your child at Stairs Academy?

    Want to enroll your child at Stairs Academy Charter School for Kindergarten or 1st Grade, in the 2020 school year or later? FILL OUT THIS FORM


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A supportive, compassionate, inclusive, school that is responsive to students’ social and emotional needs.
Writing across the curriculum strengthens written communication and develops deeper understanding in every content area. Writing is an important life skill, being the basis for most assessments and is vital for success in almost every profession.
STEM/STEAM, blended learning and state of the art technology, enhance delivery, motivation and engagement in every content area.
Arts education greatly engages students, provides exposure to Arts careers and supports emotional and mental health, providing creative outlets, student voice and development of positive self-image.
Increased physical education, movement, meditation and a sensible diet, all improve health, mood & brain function.
We are actively soliciting comments on our educational program, so that public input can inform our school proposal. Members of the public can take the STAIRS SURVEY, send us an email at info@stairscharter.org or give comments in person at one of our events.



  • Will be unpacked by teaching staff using Karin Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix
  • Will be enhanced by arts immersion, technology, blended learning and other educational innovations
    • Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck)
    • Blended Learning / Flipped Classrooms (Eric Mazur)
    • Mastery Learning (Benjamin Bloom and Fred S. Keller)
    • Responsive Classroom – responsive to students’ social emotional needs (NEFC) (CRS)
    • Restorative Circles – an approach that seeks to heal, rather than punish (Center for Restorative Justice)
    • Universal Design Learning (Dr. David H. Ross)
    • Backwards Design (Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins)
    • Learning By Design (Klantzis and Cope)
    • Constructivism, Project Based and Experiential Learning (Kolb, Dewey, Piaget)
    • Differentiated Instruction & Assessment(Carol Ann Tomlinson)
    • Writing Across the Curriculum – Writing taught within each discipline (Thaiss and Porter)


  • Physical Education
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Walking trips to local parks and community resources
  • Exercise breaks to avoid sustained periods of sitting
  • Games, dance and other physical activities built into lessons throughout the day


  • Writing Across the Curriculum
  • Subject area nonfiction
  • Real world & online resources
  • Morning Family Read – (Multilingual)
  • Book Club
  • Brooklyn Public Library visits
  • Audio-visual technology to support multiple learning styles


  • Will be aligned to Standards for Learning
  • Will be unpacked by teaching staff using Karin Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix
  • Will be enhanced by arts immersion, technology, blended learning and other educational innovations


  • Every student has an advocate to help them navigate the learning process
  • Advisors “check in” with students every morning and afternoon
  • Advisors help students develop social & organizational skills crucial to success
  • Advisor is communication bridge between the school and families


  • Responsive Classroom  Revolves around four Key Domains: Engaging Academics, Positive Community, Effective Management and Developmental Awareness
  • Restorative Practices – Centers around positive relationships for community building and restoring relationships when harm has occurred. Students are co-creators of classroom expectations / take ownership of their education
  • Variances of Difference – Involves understanding, respecting and planning for multiple intelligences, strengths and deficiencies, while avoiding negative labels and attitudes
  • Collaboration – Administrators collaborate to effect strong leadership and direction; staff members collaborate with each other and families; students collaborate with each other to make learning social

ACE Club

  • Financial Literacy
  • Clothing Design / Sewing / Re-styling
  • Food Growing / Composting
  • Cooking / Nutrition / Meal Preparation
  • Coding, STEM / STEAM
  • Entrepreneurism / Business Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Web Page


  • Social learning activities that continue the learning over the weekend, involving students and families, promoting community involvement, in parks, libraries, local businesses, organizations and other community resources.


  • Academic Support combined with exciting extension and enrichment activities, for all students, to promote growth, prevent rollback, bridge the classroom with the real-world and provide extended learning throughout the summer.


  • Computer Science
  • Coding & Robotics
  • Digital Media Arts:
    • Music & Tech
    • Graphic Design
    • Digital Photography
    • Video Editing
    • Digital Animation


  • Arts Immersion: Arts teachers collaborate with academic teachers to create connections and engage all learners.
  • Arts instruction
  • Music: Vocal, Instrumental, Digital
  • Visual Arts
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Digital Media Arts: Music & Tech, Digital Photography, Animation, Video, Graphic Design

All of the above make STAIRS ACADEMY a place that educators and students love to attend each day. When students enjoy school, engagement is strong. Meaningful learning experiences result in increased outcomes.


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Advisors: Students have a mentor and an advocate, helping them develop social & organizational skills crucial to their success. Advisors are first responders to students’ social-emotional needs, ensuring every student is seen and heard and is well known by a staff member.
Morning meeting: Morning Meeting is a 10 minute gathering of students with their Advisor each morning, to prepare for the upcoming day, hear important announcements and share inspirational messages.
Afternoon Check Out: Students meet with their advisors for a “Check Out”, before heading to A.C.E Club (3:00 – 6:00pm). Advisors double check back packs, HW folders and find out how their advisees’ day went.
Student Voice: Student voice is ostered in the classroom and developed through Student Committees, Student Government, Advisory Conversations, Town Hall Meetings, School Dances, Concerts, Plays and other performing arts.
Book Club: Informal group discussions of favorite books and authors, that take place throughout the year amongst students, parents and staff,.strengthen the love of reading.
Academic Support: Small group instruction, small class size, out of classroom services and our A.C.E Club extended day program, provide students with academic support, so that every child can reach their full potential.
Recognition & Celebration: Weekly Celebrations of scholarly habits and character traits outside of traditional academics, ensure that all students have the opportunity to shine and be recognized in a variety of ways.
Fun Extended-Day Clubs: Our A.C.E Club has sports, chess, the arts, robotics/coding, life skills like cooking, sewing, and bicycle repair. Extremely engaging, kids have fun discovering their talents and strengths.
Access: Regular access to School Building Leaders
Info: Learning Management System with detailed information on your child’s progress and developmen
Communication: Teachers who communicate and are responsive to parents’ needs.
Parent Leadership: Be involved in school-wide planning; programs, lunch menus, trips and more
PTA: Parent Teacher Association that works in collaboration with staff to support the entire school community.
Useful & Fun Workshops for Families: Financial Literacy, Health & Nutrition, Sewing, How to promote Literacy in the home and more.
Collaborative Team Teaching: In all classrooms the Arts, Technology, Physical Education teachers and Student Support Specialists will push in and co-teach, adding art, music, creative movement, technology seamlessly into the curriculum, providing social emotional supports for students, while creating an optimal teacher-student ratio
Common Priorities: Teaching staff will have common preps, adequate time for planning, individually and in teams, so that instruction is collaborative, efficient and meaningful.
Professional Learning Community: Flexible, individualized PD opportunities,
Professional Dialogue between administrators and staff.
Principal’s Classes: School Building Leaders keep one foot in the classroom, teaching classes, building bonds with students and providing modeling for staff.
Collegial Environment: Staff members respected as professionals and given opportunities for shared leadership.
Career Advancement: Opportunity to develop skills, training and experience that can lead to promotion.
Opportunity to grow with the school: Be part of the founding team! Work with an amazing group of education professionals, dedicated to creating the most innovative and engaging school possible!
Roundtable Exhibitions: Authentic Reflection, Feedback, Assessment and Achievement Goals
Art Expos and Performances: Theater, Poetry, Music and Dance
Partnerships: Promote local professional venues, organizations cafes and galleries
Community Service: Conducted by students, families and staff
Events: Seasonal festivals, sporting events and outdoor arts exhibitions

Demographics & Educational Need in District 15, Brooklyn

0 New school seats requested for District 15 by 2021, by Community Board 7 (Only 323 new seats have been proposed by the SCA)
0 Estimated # of Charter Applicants in District 15 (2017-2018)
0 # of Charter Seats in District 15 (2017-2018)
0% English Language Learners in Sunset Park (16% in District 15)
0% Sunset Park Residents Over 24, With Less than HS Education
$0 Median Household Income in NYC
$0 Median Household Income in Sunset Park ($25,934 in Red Hook; lowest in the Red Hook NYCHA houses)
https://www.point2homes.com/US/Neighborhood/NY/Brooklyn/Sunset-Park-Demographics.html - http://www.city-data.com/neighborhood/Red-Hook-Brooklyn-NY.html
0% Avg # of Students who Qualify for Free Lunch in Sunset Park (82% in Red Hook)
0% Students with Special Needs in Sunset Park Public Elementary Schools
0% Students With Special Needs in Red Hook
Stairs Academy will provide a unique, quality education program for students in District 15, focusing on underserved families with the greatest educational need, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, home language, or disability. We are looking for suitable locations in Sunset Park and Red Hook. If you have a lead on a building that would make a great location for our school, please contact us right away at academystairs@gmail.com.